Schedule: Mon-Fri 9 am-6 pm


Other tours which are not included into main categories



Trekking in the Carpathians: Carpathian marathon

Marathon includes two most interesting parts of the Carpathians: Gorgany with their stone placers and ancient forests and Chornohora with its strict peaks, spacious meadows and mountain lakes. And even more, these 10 days in the mountains is nothing else but test for your character, will and shoes. Apart from adventures, you will have enough time to communicate, laugh with jokes and share stories round a flaming bonfire. Such kind of trips is the best opportunity to find real friends.

duration: 10 days
price: 175 usd

Winter treking to Hoverla

Winter program for 4 days climbing to the highest mountain of Ukraine Hoverla 2,062 m and radial hiking to the Mount Pozhyzhevska and walk to the pit lake Nesamovyte. The winter weather will be felt warmer due to accommodation in the tourist base and the trekking will be easier as the main part of all stuff will be left in the house and the backpacks will be almost empty.

Physical training and tour difficulty

The cost is calculated for a group from 8 persons.

duration: 4 days
price: 90 usd

Skiing in Gudauri (Georgia)

If you feel leck of space for skiing in Ukraine, Gudauri is a good place to start skiing the high mountains. Ski trails of Gudauri locate on 2000 - 3000 metres above sea level, there are raugh slopes for proffecionals, plain ones for begginers and huge mountains covered with snow for reeriders. Slopes are rather long (with few levels of lifts) and not every one will manage to get tot the foot without a stop! All chair lifts are modern. Accomodation in a hostel, transfer from Ukraine in a minibus, we'll pick you up from Kyiv.

The cost of the trip - 300 $

All tours to Georgia

duration: 9 days
price: 0 usd

Three caves: Mlynky, Verteba, Krystalichna

This cognitive route includes excursions in main caves of Ternopillya (Mlynky, Krystalichna (Crystal) and unique Trypillia Cave Museum Verteba) and to ancient pagan temple in a picturesque place over the Seret River. Unforgettable impressions from the underground world with its gentle crystals, sparkling wall ornaments and delicate crystal flowers will fill in the most vivid pages of your trip memoirs book.

duration: 2 days
price: 129 usd

Trekking in the Carpathians: Along a non-existent border

Dense ancient forests, topless trees, gray patches of bark on the mighty trunks, soft carpets of moss, bulk of stone blocks on the mountain peaks, spacious mountain valleys, lost in space and time. All these you can find in the wildest region of the Carpathians, that's Gorgany region. During the journey you will be constantly accompanied by metes of Polish-Czechoslovak border and remains of World Wars fortifications. In addition you will get the access to a traditional set of wild berries, mushrooms and dairy products.

NB Information about physical training and tour difficulty you can find here

duration: 7 days
price: 132 usd

Trekking in the Carpathians: Along a non-existent border +

Перевтільтесь на хвильку у прикордонника часів І та ІІ світової війни, пройшовши вздовж стовпчиків колишнього польсько-чехословацького кордону у найдрімучішому районі Карпат - районі Горгани. На додачу Вас чекає підкорення найвищої вершини масиву - г. Сивуля (1836 м). Дикі прадавні ліси, кремезні дерева-свідки давніх подій, м'який моховий килим під ногами та кам'янсті розсипи на вершинах, все загубилось у просторі і часі, та чекає свого мандрівника. Приємними бонусами, як завжди, залишаються дикі ягоди, гриби та гуцульські сири. 

Часті питання про піші походи

NB Інформацію про фізичну підготовку та складність турів можна знайти тут

duration: 8 days
price: 150 usd

Excursion to the Optimistic cave - world's longest gipsum cave

The longest in the world gypsum Optymistychna (Oprimistic) Cave has been closed for common visitors till recently. Last year you could get there only as a member of cave expedition, but not now. The third longest cave in the world became available for every traveler. 

The cave is equipped with unique in Ukraine speleomuzey samples of the most most interesting cave formations (large crystals, lampshades, whimsical helyktytiv, hedgehogs and roses with crystalline gypsum) and underground gallery sculpture, where you will find fabulous fish, mythical Atlanteans and other bizarre creatures.
nd to maintain good physical form visit two sports tours in the cave Mlynky.

The cave is equipped with unique in Ukraine speleomuzeum with samples of the most interesting cave formations (large crystals, lampshades, whimsical helyktyts, hedgehogs and roses from crystalline gypsum) and underground sculpture gallery, where you will find fabulous fish, mythical Atlanteans and other bizarre creatures.
And to maintain good physical form visit two sports tours in the cave Mlynky.

You can order this tour just if you have 8 participants

duration: 2 days
price: 71 usd

Winter hiking to Petros

Winter trip with climbing to Petros - the fourth highest and one of the most difficult Ukrainian peaks. Three days in the mountains among the snow and incredible landscapes. Accommodation in the alpine tourist shelter in the wild: many-room bed in a sleeping bag, toilet in the yard, water - melted snow.


Physical training and tour difficulty.

The cost is calculated for a group оf 8 persons.

duration: 3 days
price: 52 usd

Carpathian party: finding snow - up to Hoverla

Radial climbing to the top of the Carpathians, the highest mountain of Ukraine, that’s Hoverla (2061 m). Accommodation in a lovely homestead with a hot sauna and delicious hutsul dishes.

Physical training and tour difficulty

The cost is calculated for a group of 8 persons.

duration: 3 days
price: 78 usd

Optimistychna, Mlynky, Uhryn - 3 day

Cave Mlynky - sport, dynamic, interesting for its deep-cracks and narrow holes, it will need good endurance and physical strength. Cave Uhryn - the smallest and narrowest - will check your figures elegance. Cave Optymistychna - as the world longest gypsum cave - has not only the largest halls and galleries, but also crystals and stalactites and many man-made sculptures.

Feedback about excursion to Optimistychna cave.

duration: 3 days
price: 89 usd

Carpathian party: finding snow up to Khomyak

Active winter weekend hike includes climbing to Khomyak Mount (1542 m), which resembles the Great Pyramid of Cheops. From the top of the mountain you can see almost all Carpathians. Warm and cozy homestead, hot sauna, hutsul authentic dishes every day will add you strength for new challenges. And snowshoes will assist you in conquering Carpathian peaks practically regardless the weather conditions.

Physical training and tour difficulty

The cost is calculated for a group оf 8 persons.

duration: 3 days
price: 72 usd

Weekend on the peak: Khomyak

Active winter weekend hike includes climbing Khomyak Mount (1542 m), which resembles the Great Pyramid of Cheops. From the top of the mountain you can see almost all Carpathians. Accommodation in the homestead provides comfort while touring - and you will enjoy the beauty of winter Carpathians without undue inconveniences.
For active people who won’t miss a thing!

Physical training and tour difficulty

The cost is calculated for a group of 8 persons.

duration: 2 days
price: 43 usd

Rafting on the Cheremosh River from Dzembronya to Vyzhnytsya

During this program you will constantly move down the river, spend the night and eat in hiking conditions. Rafting starts from the most intense parts of the river Dzembronya-Krasnyk, where the largest rapids Cheremosh are located: Dzembronya, White Horse, Hoochky and Hook. Further along the river route becomes solid flow without big rapids. Bright impressions remain from visiting Hawkeye rocks and stones Protyate - where huge stones like spears pierced through, and numerous waterfalls.

duration: 4 days
price: 92 usd

Youth mix-tour

Active mix tour for teens and youth of 14-16 years old.
A real adventure for young tourists including overnights in tents, field kitchen, outdoor recreation. The balanced combination of floating by Dniester river, walks to waterfalls, historical and natural sites, excursions to Mlynki cave. In addition, camping bonfire, inteesting games and competitions every evening. 
Guidance of instructors, animators, cooks and nurse is provided in the tour. Overnights in tents for 2-3 persons in sleeping bags, and a last night in a touristic hostel Speleohut. Nutrition - 4 times a day. 

duration: 5 days
price: 117 usd

Vacation in the caves for groups

The joy of this spectecular tour lie not only in what you will discover but in feeling yourself like a real caver. You can have such a unique possibility to discover the Mlynky‚ Verteba‚ Krystalichna and Ugryn caves. On the lovely narrow places you can visit historical and natural monuments of Ternopil region: Dzurynsky waterfall‚ castles‚ churches and walk in the picturesque Chortkiv town. You don’t need to have any previous experience in caving but you can take part in the tour only at your own risk.

Please note: this is tour held only in weekdays for organized groups with more the 15 tourists

duration: 5 days
price: 76 usd

Water adventure tour: Tysa in Transcarpathia

Spring, awakening of the nature, high water, sunny Transcarpathia, double kayaks, adrenaline are the best elements for a fantastic adventure cocktail.

We can guarantee dynamic river, picturesque banks, and mysterious land.

All you need is to take a good weather and cheerful mood. So see you on water and “seven feet under the keel”.

duration: 2 days
price: 74 usd

Skiing in Erciyes (Turkey)

Let’s try to explore with upholders a new ski resort in Turkey.

We are going to real winter for five days, five days skiing in the high mountains on the snowy slopes of the ski resort Erciyes. Area skiing is located at an altitude of 3000 meters, so you can ride 5 months in a year (from November till April). More than 20 slopes of varying difficulty with a total length of 50 km, 14 modern lifts, including cable cars, rental equipment. Ski resort Erciyes will bring all conditions for high speed descent, snowboarding and freeriding.

The price of skipass is not growing during the period of holidays. We are going to the tour on the last days of December and New Year we will meet on skiing.

The cost of the tour ~ 150 €

Details about the rest of the costs

All tours to Turkey

duration: 6 days
price: 0 usd

Topic tours

В цьому розділі зібрані незвичайні походи, походи з родзинками. Тематичні походи можуть бути присвячені різним темам: романтичні стосунки та пошук другої половинки, рибалка, страйкбол, шахи, збір лікарських рослин тощо. Спеціальний вид тематичних походів - тури-пригоди дозволять відчути смак нештатних ситуацій та труднощі звичайного спортивного походу. А загалом тематичні походи покликані урізноманітнити програми турів та зробити сплави чи походи більш насиченими, корисними та цікавими.

Girls' tour to the Carpathians

Trekking route in the Carpathians ia specially chosen for all ladies. A sense of pride by overpassing the kilometers to the highest mountain lake in Ukraine - Nesamovyte Lake, whether rocky exits to Shpytsi MountVuhatyi Kamin' MountainBrebeneskul and Smotrych will overwhelm you. Carpathian endlessly fascinating scenery, amazing sunsets and sunrises you will keep long in the memory. We will destroy the stereotype that hiking in the mountains is only accessible for strong men.

And also we will prove that the girls in the mountains - are absolutely natural, extremely beautiful and incredibly romantic.

Physical training and tour difficulty

Маршрут походу по Карпатах підібраний спеціально для всіх представниць прекрасної статі. Відчуття гордості за пройдені кілометри до найвисокогірніших озер України - Бребенескул та Несамовите, чи скельні виходи на гори Шпиці, Вухатий Камінь і Смотрич вас будуть переповнювати. Безкінечні захопливі карпатські краєвиди, дивовижні заходи сонця і світанки надовго закарбуються у пам'яті. Ми зруйнуємо стереотип, що походи в гори доступні лише кремезним чоловікам.
А також доведемо, що дівчата в горах - абсолютно природньо, надзвичайно красиво і невимовно романтично.

Маршрут походу по Карпатах підібраний спеціально для всіх представниць прекрасної статі. Відчуття гордості за пройдені кілометри до найвисокогірніших озер України - Бребенескул та Несамовите, чи скельні виходи на гори Шпиці, Вухатий Камінь і Смотрич вас будуть переповнювати. Безкінечні захопливі карпатські краєвиди, дивовижні заходи сонця і світанки надовго закарбуються у пам'яті. Ми зруйнуємо стереотип, що походи в гори доступні лише кремезним чоловікам.А також доведемо, що дівчата в горах - абсолютно природньо, надзвичайно красиво і невимовно романтично.

duration: 3 days
price: 90 usd

Ski-tours & Freeride

Ski-tours and freeride tours to the Carpathians are much more than just skiing. Ski-tours routes are laid away from the mountain lifts, in dense snowy forests, where more often you will find a trail of roe deer or wild boar than a trail of a human. Ski-tours is an active communication with the winter mountains and a friendly team. To participate in ski-tours, you need special skis that you can rent from us. Ski-tours can be either radial with the base at the hotel (Rada Daraba or Dragobrate), or linear ones with overnights in different austere kolybas (summer shelters for shepherds; we choose the best ones for you:).

Freeride tours are a cross between downhill skiing and ski-tours. In these tours we walk less and ride more off-piste with more fun. It also needs special equipment and good skiing skills. And our guide will guide you through the best slopes of the area.

Ski resort tours

Comfortable winter tours to the Carpathians, the main purpose of which is to ski more extensively in the large famous resorts of Bukovel or Dragobrat. Tours for beginners include the opportunity to practice on simpler and cheaper tracks on Zapidki Mountain in Iltsy or on the springboard in Vorokhta. Accommodation — mainly on Daraba in Krasnik.
Ski resort tours can also include climbing to the tops of the Carpathians, as well as sightseeing walks to waterfalls or visiting museums.


Training tours are a type of holiday, during which you can learn how to walk in the mountains, move on the glaciers, ski or kayak. Knowledge and skills will never be superfluous in your backpack.

Alpine course in the Carpathians

Alpine course in the Carpathians  - it's a winter trekking tour, where you can get basic skills for climbing the mountains of 1b-2b level of dificulty. The program includes theoretical studies and practical trainings,  ascent to Mount Pip Ivan or SmotrychAccommodation in Daraba-hostel: new 2-5-bed rooms. For participating in the tour physical shape, previous experience of trekking and equipment according to the list - are required.

During Alpine course you'll learn:

  • to move on the snow and ice slopes
  • to use crampons
  • to use ice axe
  • to work in rope-team
  • to tie the main knots
  • to climb up and down the steep slope, using different types of anchors
During theoretic discusions in the evenings we'll talk about:
  • equipment for winter climbing
  • safety precautions and rescuing during an avalanche 
  • belaying on glaciars and rescuing from the crack
  • terrain orientation, GPS and it's practical usage 
Participation in Alpine course will help you to feel comfortable climbing such a mountains as Montblanc, Kazbek and others. Also it is a great opportunity to test your equipment and to get ready to more difficult and interesting climbing tours.
But the Course doesn't give enough experience to go climbing by your own, we reccomend you using proffesional guides.

After passing of Alpine course participants get the Ceritificate

duration: 4 days
price: 129 usd

Mix tours

Multi-active tours provide an opportunity to enjoy several types of outdoor activities in one travel. They combine the Dniester and caves, hiking in the Carpathians with rafting and excursions to castles and fortresses. These tours are very dynamic. Kaleidoscope of amazing sceneries will constantly surprise you. Mix tour is the best choice for busy people who want to get the maximum impressions in a short time.

Мамин відпочинок. Карпати. Літо + Дитячий простір, 3 дні

Запрошуємо МАМ з ДІТКАМИ на літній відпочинок в Карпатах. Триденна програма активного відпочинку окремо для діток і для дорослих осяяна чарівною атмосферою гуцульського краю.

Для МАМ пропонуємо приємні прогулянки в гори, насолоду від літніх ароматів скошеного сіна, милування краєвидами, помірне фізичне навантаження, а також гострі відчуття під час рафтингу на Чорному Черемоші. 

В той час, як для ДІТОК проводимо творчі майстер-класи, руханки, прогулянки до овечок і коників, знайомимо з місцевими традиціями, проводимо пізнавальні та розвиваючі заняття, настільні ігри.  

Дитячий простір розрахований на дітей 6 - 12 років. Виховник підбирає заняття відповідно до віку дитини.

Відео про тур на нашій інстаграм сторінці @karpaty_daraba

duration: 3 days
price: 259 usd

Мамин відпочинок. Карпати. Великдень + Дитячий простір, 3 дні

Запрошуємо МАМ з ДІТКАМИ на великодній відпочинок в Карпатах. Триденна програма активного відпочинку окремо для діток і для дорослих осяяна чарівною великодньою атмосферою.

Для МАМ пропонуємо приємні прогулянки в гори, пошук крокусів, помірне фізичне навантаження, милування краєвидами, а також гострі відчуття під час рафтингу на Чорному Черемоші. Великоднього настрою додадуть вечірні розписи писанок в різних техніках.

В той час, як для ДІТОК проводимо творчі майстер-класи, руханки, прогулянки до овечок і коників, знайомимо з місцевими традиціями, проводимо пізнавальні та розвиваючі заняття, настільні ігри.  А розпис яскравих писанок, витинанки та святкові аплікації створять чарівну великодню атмосферу.

Дитячий простір розрахований на дітей 4 - 12 років. Виховник підбирає заняття відповідно до віку дитини.

Відео про тур на нашій інстаграм сторінці @karpaty_daraba

duration: 3 days
price: 311 usd

All at once

Combination: excursion, journey on foot, rafting on the Dniester, Mlynky cave trip

For one weekend you will discover all charms of Ternopil region:

duration: 2 days
price: 204 usd

Let's get going!

Combination: excursions, rafting on the Dniester, trekking in the Carpathians, Mlynky Cave and Verteba

A week of full detachment from city fuss. Only you and marvellous nature of Western Ukraine. While travelling you will plunge into the world of ancient fortresses and churches, wade into mysterious gypsum caves full of sparkling treasures, raft along the picturesque Dniester Canyon, feel a freshness of the largest lowland waterfall in Ukraine, conquer the majestic peaks of the Ukrainian Carpathians.

Physical training and tour difficulty

duration: 7 days
price: 394 usd

New year tours

We invite you to celebrate the New Year 2013 with us!
We have a program with comfortable accommodation in dwellings, climb Goverlu, skiing in Bukovel and Dragobrate, and for durable sports ski trip and the New Year at Petros.
Also we are waiting for you once in three caves.
And of course New Year celebrations - in the woods, in the meadow, under the ground with fun games and competitions, fire and fireworks!
Come - be fun!

We invite you to celebrate the New Year 2020 with us!
We have a program with comfortable accommodation in cottage, climbing to Goverla, skiing in Bukovel and Dragobrate, and for durable sports ski trip and the New Year at Petros. Also we are waiting for you in Mlynky cave.
And of course, a New Year celebrations - in the woods, in the meadow, in the cave, with funny games and competitions, bonfire and fireworks!
Welcome - it wil be a lot of fun!

Corporate tours

Outdoor activities for corporate groups will rally the team and fill in with energy for future achievements. Team work in overcoming obstacles of a camp life, team rowing on catamaran, team conquering of high mountains... All these give an opportunity to feel a taste of victory. Team competitions unite workers of one department and focus on productive rival battle. In the evening colleagues could relax, know each other better, communicate in informal atmosphere, and develop friendly relations. No one will forget camp fire chat-ins, shish-kebab, beautiful songs and heart-to-heart conversation.

Rafting on the Dniester River

Two days in a picturesque Dniester canyon: fantastic landscapes, peace and quiet, multitude of interesting places along the route (waterfalls, caves, ruins of fortresses), delicious dishes, romantic and joyful evenings round a camp fire. A gentle (without rapids) and calm river allows swimming and sun bathing.

For groups with over 15 participants!

duration: 2 days
price: 2100 usd

Trekking in the Carpathians

Weekend near the foot of the highest two-thousander in Ukraine. Climbing will be divided into two stages: on the first stage we will conquer Hoverla Mountain (2061 m); on the second stage we will walk mountain chains where you can enjoy stunning landscapes of the highest range in Ukraine.

For groups with over 15 participants!

duration: 2 days
price: 1565 usd

White water rafting on the Cheremosh river

Only for one weekend you will have an opportunity to overcome the most intricate rapids of the Black Cheremosh River twice: Dzembronya, White Mare, Huchok, Huk, sleep in a tent and discover hutsul local colouring.
This trip is for those who are pressed for time but eager to get the maximum of satisfaction.

For groups from over 15 participants!

duration: 2 days
price: 1955 usd

Rafting on the Dniester, white water rafting on the Cheremosh in the Ukrainian Carpathians, rafting on the Southern Buh

Rafting is an exciting type of outdoor activities. Rowing on catamaran or raft guarantees variety of impressions.

On a calm Dniester you will plunge into a wild nature of a picturesque canyon, get an opportunity to swim a lot, see silver waterfalls, travertine rocks, helmet’s grottoes and ruins of ancient buildings.

Wild Cheremosh will cover you with high waves of emotions. In spring rafting routes include the most intricate rapids of the Black Cheremosh. Not everyone will bear a high wave of cold water. In summer this mountain river has far more pleasant temper and even can allow swimming in its rapids. Rafting takes place in the heart of the Ukrainian Carpathians nearby the Chornohora range. In April – May our rafting camp on the Cheremosh is ready to welcome tourist arriving for 1-day rafting or even intent to stay for a couple of days.

Rafting with Tourclub does not require any special experience and are available for everyone. Our skilled instructors accompany you in every rafting session.

Svicha-Mizunka rafting

Svicha and Mizunka rivers have rather complicated rapids. They form high waves and holes in high water, or complex maneuverable cascades and eddies in low water. Therefore, all participants should have the experience of "white water" rafting. Get ready for the surprises of early spring - frost and snow on the grass.

Every year a Ukrainian Cup of water tourism is being held, where our instructors have participated and won many times.

The Svich and Mizun rivers have rather complicated thresholds that form high shafts and barrels in high water, or complex maneuverable cascades and catches for low water. Therefore, all participants should have the experience of "white water" alloys. Get ready for the surprises of early spring - morning frost and snowball on the grass, and in the afternoon of heat.
Every year, on these rivers, in the end of March, a Ukrainian Cup for water tourism is being held, where our instructors have participated and won many times.
duration: 2 days
price: 104 usd

Rafting on the Dniester

Dniester rafting on catamarans and rafts in one of the largest canyons in Europe is a trip to the land of castles and waterfalls, travertine caves and grottoes, relict forests and unique climate.

Tour programs on the Dniester are optimally worked out (from physical and cognitive point of view): for those with a minimum time for leisure (weekend tours) and for those who can afford a whole week for communication with a nature.

Experienced instructors will take care of security while rafting, introduce basics of rowing technique, guide to the local attractions.

Rafting on the Dniester is a great opportunity to tan, swim and replenish the stock of positive emotions.

If you want to organize everything by yourselves - rent of equipment will be useful for you.

One-day rafting on the Dniester River

Going for holiday. In Ukraine. Outdoor. Actively. With family.
Rafting on the Dniester would be interesting for admirers of quiet rest. There are no rapids; the river is calm, available for swimming. Scene of action is the Dniester Canyon, which is known for its panoramic views from the high steep banks, beautiful morning mist, silver waterfalls, travertine cliffs that hang over the water, caves and grottoes where ancient monks and hermits found solitude. Sometimes it seems that there is nobody around for hundreds of miles. But by the corner of the river appears a village where you can replenish stocks of food, buy fresh milk or vegetables, taste cherries.

duration: 1 day
price: 46 usd

Rafting on the DNIESTER: Weekend on the river

The two-day rafting on the Dniester river is considered as one of the most popular outdoor activities on weekend. This tour offers an opportunity of an intensive recreation among a wild nature of the Dniester Canyon: swimming in the river, stretching your muscles with a paddle, visiting unique waterfalls, caves, and architectural places of interest. All you need to restore a life-giving power of nature for new achievements.

duration: 2 days
price: 131 usd

Rafting on the DNIESTER: In the land of fortresses and waterfalls

The three-day rafting on the river of Dniester is usually planned for holidays to use in the best way extended weekend. This tour includes visiting ruins of the fortress in Rakivets, velvet waterfalls and giant of the plain, the spectacular Dzhuryn (Chervonohrad) Waterfall. It's located in a picturesque Chervonohrad nearby legendary castle and church. Bonus of the three-day rafting is a trip to the Hermit's Cave and sightseeing in Chortkiv.

duration: 3 days
price: 197 usd

Rafting on the DNIESTER: Dniester quartet

A variety of interesting and beautiful places you will admire within four days of rafting on the Dniester. Castles and palaces in Buchach, Koropets, Chervone and Chortkiv, picturesque waterfalls and caves, the unique nature of the Dniester Canyon won't pass without a trace!

duration: 4 days
price: 254 usd

Rafting on the DNIESTER: Five-day fairytale

Five days without a computer, pavements, blocks of flats, TV and fridge; phone is turned off on the third day of the trip; time slows down, life becomes longer. Picturesque campsites, walks to the travertine hermits’ caves, waterfalls, clear rain and hot sun, swimming, evening campfire and entertainments.

duration: 5 days
price: 267 usd

Rafting on the DNIESTER: Five-day to Khotyn

Rafting route Zalischyky – Khotyn will certainly charm you with beautiful brooks-waterfalls, multitude of geological monuments that look like rocky brow of woody slopes of the Dniester Canyon. The river herein becomes wider and sometimes distances between the banks measures up to 500-600 m. During the tour you visit Balamutivka cave and several grottoes where even in the 20th century lived eremitic monks. The most vivid highlight of the tour is considered Khotyn fortress. In addition you will have a possibility to observe the ancient beauty of architecture and history in Kamyanets-Podilsky.

duration: 5 days
price: 279 usd

Calm water rafting for children

Rafting on the Dniester for children. Five days on nature with moderate loads, games and entertainment, under the supervision of instructors in incredibly picturesque landscapes. Your child will learn the basic tourist skills: to arrange a tent, to collect wood and to breed a fire, to prepare a porridge. We will also play educational orienteering games, solve puzzles and develop creatively. At the same time, we will visit interesting historical and natural objects and hear many interesting stories and legends. And of course, physical education - daily light floating, movers and moving games. Let's join us!

Children under 3 years are free of charge. Children 4-7 years give a 20%.

Rafting on the Dniester for children. Five days in nature with moderate loads, games and entertainment, under the supervision of a tutor in incredibly picturesque landscapes.
Your child will learn the basic skills of a tourist: to arrange a tent, to collect firewood and to breed a fire, to try to prepare a porridge. We will also play educational orienteering games, solve puzzles for wit and develop creatively: to draw and make toys of grass and straw. At the same time, we will visit interesting historical and natural objects and hear many interesting stories and legends, we will sing songs. And of course, physical education - daily light rocks, movers and moving games.
Going to the group on the nature!
Children from 10 years of age can arrive either on their own or with adults (adults discount -30%, up to 2 pers.)
Children under 5 years old are free of charge.
duration: 5 days
price: 365 usd

Rafting on the DNIESTER: Week in the canyon

The whole week without a computer, pavements, blocks of flats, TV and fridge; handy is turned off on the third day of the trip; time slows down, life becomes longer. Picturesque campsites, walks to the travertine hermits’ caves, waterfalls, clear rain and hot sun, swimming, evening campfire and entertainments. Week on the river!

duration: 7 days
price: 304 usd

Long Dniester

Rafting on Dniester river on catamarans in the area from Nyzhniv to Khotyn. Every day, small portions of physical activity with a paddle, swimming and sunbathing, interesting excursions to grottoes and caves, travertine cliffs and waterfalls. There will be: Rakivets fortress ruins, the Austrian government summer residence in Koropets, Red Mountain, Dzhuryn waterfall, unique geological walls,  Balamutivska cave and dessert - Khotyn fortress. Eleven day of continuous rest, just you and nature...

duration: 11 day
price: 531 usd

Tour on the Dniester river for families children for three days

Rafting on the Dniester for children for three days is perfect for families who have not yet traveled actively with children and want to try this option. The children will be cared for by an animator, so parents will have more time to relax. In order for your vacation on the Dniester to bring you maximum pleasure, we have chosen a small area for the transition, so that there is more time for swimming and games. And of course, excursions to interesting natural sites, such as travertine waterfalls, hermitage grottoes, age-old oaks and just beautiful panoramas of the Dniester River from a bird's eye view. On the last day of the tour, we will visit one of the largest plain waterfalls - Dzhurynsky.


duration: 3 days
price: 212 usd

Cheremosh Rafting

Rafting on the Cheremosh River can be defined as an extreme and safe type of leisure in the Carpathians. During rafting you will repeatedly overcome the most difficult rapids of the Black Cheremosh, learn how to row on a catamaran and raft, and properly overcome water obstacles.
While water rising boat is swiftly carried by a turbulent stream. Frothy waves cover your head, raft swings over high propeller shafts. Rafting charges, and even in wet diving suit you will feel eagerness to raft again and again on the rapids.

The main advantages and peculiarities of rafting with Tourclub:

  • complexity of rafting routes increases gradually: training alloys help beginners  to adapt to catamaran, and more experienced tourists recall forgotten after winter skills;

  • those who are already acquainted with the Cheremosh River could always find something new for explosion of emotions: training and rafting on inflatable kayaks, kayaking basics, overkeel;

  • healthy meals: three hot meals (soups, meats, salads, side dishes); during climbing the mountain (on top) - hot tea and sandwiches;

  • comfortable moving vans along the river;

  • weather always works in our favor: it is sunny – great; it is rainy - the water rises and you’ll get  additional amount of emotion and adrenaline;

  • comfortable rafting camp, evening campfire with games and entertainment, morning exercises, sauna.

Rafting on the Cheremorsh River is the best vacation for those who want to get a full set of emotions and adrenaline blast!

+ Short one-day rafring-tours for those who travel at the Carpathians.

Rafting on the Cheremosh

Two variants of one-day active rest program based on rafting-camp "Rada daraba"
Rafting with hiking or pure rafting. With alternative additional service: dinner and transfer.
The best way to plunge in active rest. Interesting. Original. Cheap. High quality. A bit extreme. But safe. Simple. Without special training. With the whole family. And the photos could be nice.

duration: 1 day
price: 56 usd

Rafting on the Cheremosh River: Hutsul adrenaline

Just over one weekend you will be able to manage the most difficult rapids on the Black Cheremosh: Dzembronya, Old Man’s Elbow, White Mare, Huchok, Huk and discover the culture of Hutsul land.
This trip is for those who haven't much time, but try to achieve the highest satisfaction.

duration: 2 days
price: 101 usd

Rafting on the Cheremosh River: Carpathian rodeo

Carpathian rodeo is an outdoor activity with a white-water rafting on the Cheremosh River. Three days at our rafting camp make you master the wisdom of rafting and without fear you will be able to overcome rapids (class II and III of International Scale of River Difficulty): Dzembronya, Old Man’s Elbow, White Mare, Huchok, Huk. Also, after the rafting you will be able to stretch your legs and walk up to the Pip Ivan Mount, with its fine view of Chornohora Range.

duration: 3 days
price: 162 usd

Rafting+trekking: Hoverla+Cheremosh

The sharpest combination: Hoverla, the highest peak of Ukraine; rafting on the Cheremosh, the most fascinating outdoor activity in the Carpathians; the cleanest air, the fastest outdoor sleep; all these advantages in the shortest period, only in 3 days…

duration: 3 days
price: 200 usd

Rafting on the Cheremosh: Carpathian cream

Carpathian Cream – an outdoor activity program, during which you will repeatedly overcome the most difficult rapids on the Black Cheremosh river (Dzembronya, Old Man’s Elbow, White Mare, Huchok, Huk), and take part in hiking to Hrynyava mountain meadows (1300 m) and Mount Pip Ivan (2028 m).

Skim the cream off! 

duration: 4 days
price: 223 usd

Rafting in the Carpathian: Three rivers (White Cheremosh, Black Cheremosh, Prut)

Only in April!

Mix of the most demanding rivers of Ukraine - Prut, White Cheremosh and Black Cheremosh. In April, when snow melts rapidly, we expect high water level for breathtaking rafting. Good old Black Cheremosh helps to stretch your muscles after long-lasting winter pause and test yourself on high waves of Huks. Unknown White Cheremosh will charm you with its wild landscapes and terrain, several meters in high canyon walls, sudden drops and tight bends.
Powerful Prut will test your nerves and skills with the most intricate rapids.

This tour requires good physical shape and white water rafting experience.

duration: 3 days
price: 154 usd

Rafting in the Carpathian: Two rivers (Black Cheremosh, Prut)

Only in April!

Mix of the most demanding rivers of Ukraine, that's Prut and Black Cheremosh. In April, when snow melts rapidly, we expect high water for breathtaking rafting. Good old Black Cheremosh helps to stretch your muscles after long-lasting winter pause and test yourself on high waves of Huks. Powerful Prut will test your nerves and skills with the most difficult rapids.

This tour requires good physical shape and white water rafting experience.

duration: 2 days
price: 96 usd

Seminar of water tourism

Seminar of water tourism takes place on the Black Cheremosh river in the form of training at various locations during the rafrting. In addition, every evening the thematic lectures will be held. On the penultimate day there will be short competition in entering racing gates and a speed rowing in double canoes. Rafting on the Prut river will be on the fourth day to strengthen received skills.  After completing the course the participants will receive a certificate of participation in the seminar on water tourism.

In case of successful passing of the seminar, the participants will be able to:
to manage canoe on the rivers complexity 2
Be qualified sailors on a catamaran and raft and try to manage them on rivers 2-3 categories of complexity
calmly and confidently feel in water campaigns 2-3 categories of complexity in the role of participants
Participate in alloys of the 4 categories of complexity as part of a strong team.

In case of successful participation in the seminar, the participants will be able to:

  • manage canoe on the rivers of II category of complexity;
  • be qualified sailors on a catamaran and raft and try to manage them on rivers of II-III categories of complexity;
  • calmly and confidently feel yourself in water tours of II-III categories of complexity as a participant;
  • participate in rafing of IV category of complexity as a part of a strong team.

In the evening conversations we will talk about:

  • types of water obstacles, ways of overcoming them;
  • categories of complexity of water obstacles and rapids. Available rafting areas;
  • rafting equipment;


duration: 4 days
price: 154 usd

Single rafting trip at Cheremosh

Один сплав/рафтинг найскладнішими порогами Чорного Черемоша - чудовий спосіб провести день в Карпатах для любителів активного відпочинку. Сплави по Черемошу відбуваються на рафтах, катамаранах та байдарках - залежно від рівня води та досвіду учасників. Рафтинг на Черемоші не потребує спеціальної підготовки, але вимагає спритності та уваги. На кожному рафті є інструктор, який керує човном. 

Тривалість рафтингу - 1-1.5 год, відстань - 8 км
До рафтингу не допускаються:
- особи в стані алкогольного сп'яніння
- діти до 14 років
- особи зі значною зайвою вагою
- особи, що порушують правила техніки безпеки



duration: 1 day
price: 25 usd


Сплави по Случі

Rafting on Sluch river, 3 days

Sluch is one of the most picturesque and cleanest river in Ukraine. These places are also called Nadlsluchansk Switzerland for its incredible scenery of sloping hills rarely covered with pines and birches. There are also the remains of the Gubkov castle, rocks and picturesque temples with blue tops.

duration: 3 days
price: 112 usd

Rafting on Sluch river, 2 days

Sluch is one of the most picturesque and cleanest river in Ukraine. These places are also called Nadlsluchansk Switzerland for its incredible scenery of sloping hills rarely covered with pines and birches. There are also the remains of the Gubkov castle, rocks and picturesque temples with blue tops.

duration: 2 days
price: 85 usd

Zbruch River rafting tour to Khotyn

The Zbruch is a small river surrounded by wooded riversides which form the valley of a canyon type. The river is characterized by a brisk stream with several rifts. The Zbruch from ancient times was a natural border of countries and empires; a great number of battles took place there silent witnesses of which were mighty fortresses in Chornokyzyntsi and Kudryntsi. After a narrowness of the Zbruch you will be strongly impressed by a spacious distances of a high water Dniester. The final and most beautiful chord of the tour is a majestic Khotyn fortress walls of which for 60 m tower over the river.

duration: 4 days
price: 123 usd

Rafting on the Zbruch river, 3 days

A journey for three days be narow, but fast river Zbruch. The plain character of the river makes it a perfect place for the recreation for the whole family, and some interesting and not difficult obstacles makes floating more dynamic. It suits for the fans of calmness - endless banks of the river is covered with green thickets and presence of settlements is demonstrated only by gardens. Those places are godsends for fishermen, and for the admirers of history - as the ruins of ancient fortifications is scattered on the banks.

duration: 3 days
price: 104 usd

Rafting on Zbruch River, 2 days

Floating on Zbruch river is attractive first of all with it's wild places - the river is not very popular among tourist yet. The river is generally plain, but has a dynamic floating, a lot of bends, thresholds and rapids. Through the green thickets glances the banks of deep canyon. For the long period of time Zbruch was a border between countries and empires, thats why a lot of ruined forifications are located on it's banks. We start our journey near the castle in Kudryntsi and finish it by side of fortifications in Okopy and Zhvanets.

duration: 2 days
price: 85 usd

Rafting on the Southern Buh

Rafting on the Southern Buh is between the rafting on a wild Cheremosh and rafting on a gentle Dniester. It has some small rapids but its major part is calm. You can freely swim in warm and clean waters of the Southern Buh.


  • mix of uncomplicated rapids and warm water;

  • not far from Kyiv.

Excursions to the caves

The major part of cave tours take place in Mlynky, Atlantis, Crystal (non standard route) caves. While being on tour you should crawl on your belly, move on hands and knees, and push yourself through the cracks and thrusts. It is required to have at least satisfactory physical preparedness, without overweight or with a great desire to pass the route. Participants should wear overalls, take care of extra pair of shoes and head flashlights. Caves will surprise you with beautiful crystals, stalactites and other cave formations.

Some tours include visiting less difficult caves (Crystal and Verteba) where is no need in using overalls and head flashlights, since the routes are electrified. These caves are available for everyone. In Verteba remnants of ancient human beings, Trypillia pitchers, bat colonies and straw stalactites can be observed.

Mlynky Cave: Crazy Weekend

Weekend tour served on “students fares". Outdoor activities along the labyrinth of Mlynky Cave will remain not only bruises on your knees and elbows but also lively memories about bright weekend. Overnight on hospitable bunk beds of our Speleohouse creates friendly atmosphere and cheerful evenings.

duration: 2 days
price: 2070 usd

Hiking in Carpathians

Trekking in the Carpathians - is the second most popular kind of active recreation in the Western Ukraine. Different seasons suits different tours considering weather conditions. In summer time we offer longer trekking tours, from 3 to 10 days. Those tours provide overnights in tents. In spring and autumn, when there is not much spare time, the best variant would be short tour for 2 days. In winter we invite you to join Winter tours, that provide climbing to the snowy summits and accomodation in warm cottage with hot shower and sauna. If you prefer harsher conditions - join hiking on skies.

Holidays in the Carpathians. Fall

Spend an active weekend with the rafting camp Rada Daraba! We offer you three days program for active vacation in the Carpathians with comfortable accommodation and food. First there will be a short walk to the Krynta mountain meadow, to the huts where Hutsuls cook real Polonyn cheese. The path is not too difficult, but it will help to warm up before climbing the mountain Pip Ivan, Smotrych, or Spytsia, the path to which passes through the incredibly beautiful and spacious meadow Gadzina. At the end of a holiday in the Carpathians, you can go to the forest for mushrooms, go to the Verkhovyna Museum, or organize a bike ride around the rafting camp.
And in order for your sleep to be strong and healthy, and in the morning there was no strong crepitus, we will immerse you in a hot Carpathian tub with herbs, which is located on the shores of the Black Cheremosh. It will help you relieve fatigue after active trekking. At the end of the tour, we can arrange a transfer to Ivano-Frankivsk or Ternopil.

duration: 3 days
price: 1350 usd

Summer hiking in the Carpathians (sport)

Sports series includes traditional trekking tours in the Ukrainian Carpathians with backpacks, accommodation in tents, cooking on campfire. These tours take place in summer when Carpathian highlands are getting free from snow. Depending on duration and complexity of the route summer tours demand middle and high level of durability.


  • respite from civilization;
  • moderate physical activities;
  • extraordinary landscapes of the Ukrainian Carpathians;
  • blueberries, mushrooms, hutsul milk and cheese (budz, vurda, bryndza);
  • pleasant company and new friends.

For those who are planning to participate in trekking tours in the Ukrainian Carpathians we recommend to read articles-advisesfrom our leading instructor Volodymyr: “Trekking in the Carpathians: where, when and for whom” and “Duration of Carpathian tours”.

Trekking in the Carpathians: Conquering the highest peaks

The Chornohora Range is the most popular hiking route and the highest range of the Ukrainian Carpathians. It includes all two-thousanders of Ukraine. Here you can find only “mosts”: the highest mountains, most high-altitude lakes, strongest wind, most durable snow, most high-altitude buildings in Ukraine, most delicious dinner and warmest smile of the sun...

During the trip you will see:

  • rocky Petros, slender Goverla and White Elephant (ruins of the observatory on the Pip Ivan Chornohirskyi, 2028 m);
  • beautiful Carpathian landscapes;
  • most high-altitude lakes of Ukraine with clear cool water (Brebeneskul and Nesamovyte);
  • columns of Czechoslovak-Polish border;
  • remains of the First World War fortifications;
  • rocky outputs of the following mountains: Petros, Shpytsi, Kizly, Vuhatyi Kamin and Smotrych;
  • waterfall under Mount Smotrych, rapids on the Black Cheremosh;
  • hutsul huts and mountain valley household.

In July – August hikers have an opportunity to enjoy blueberries and raspberries. Hutsuls will sale you Carpathian milk, cheese, vurda or budz.

duration: 6 days
price: 125 usd

Operation "Maramorosh"

Marmorosy... until recently a real Terra Incognita, closed area for visiting tourists, since Ukraine-Romania border stretches there. This is precisely why you can see there so many animals' traces in winter and so few tourists in summer.

Another name of this district is Marmorosy Alps and it speaks for itself. If you want to get into the high mountains with steep rocky slopes no better place you could find than Marmorosy, land of rocks and mountain valleys. What you will see is Caucasus scenery with Carpathian colouring. Marmorosy Pip Ivan (1937 m) and Chornohora Pip Ivan (2028 m), raisins of the route, will charm you with their rocky splendour and wild beauty. Columns of Ukraine-Romania border will accompany you along the route. White Elephant ruins (Polish observatory) on the peak of Chornohora 2-thousander will impress you with its stone calmness.

Attention! To participate in this tour every participant should be registered at frontier point beforehand. Therefore, in term of week before the tour we close receiving of the requests.

duration: 5 days
price: 115 usd

Trekking in the Carpathians: To the land of mountain lakes

Svydovets is the land of mountain lakes and alpine meadows. Hutsuls with Carpathian sheep dogs have pastured sheep and cows for centuries on the mountains covered with lush grass. Maybe, you can even milk a cow and taste new clean milk. There certainly won’t be a deficit of water for swimming on the Carpathian highlands.
Moderate physical activity, clean mountain air, sun, swimming in mountain lakes and sun bathing is almost as on the sea beach but 1800 meters above.

duration: 4 days
price: 77 usd


Kukul and Kostrycha Ranges open incredible views on the highest peaks of the Carpathians. Standing there you can admire the sloping terrain of Svydovets and stone placers of Gorgany, severe Chornohora with its rocky giants and slim shapes of Bukovyna mountains. Hutsuls are still engaged in stockbreeding, so you can expect some milk treat. Hiking along Kukul Range you will be constantly accompanied by metes of Polish-Czechoslovak border, sometimes you can see cartridge cases or other remains of World War I.
Moderate heights of these ranges allow start hiking as early as in May, when on the higher ranges deep snow still remains, and the presence of mountain huts provides comfortable evenings even in severe off-season time.

duration: 4 days
price: 88 usd

Gorgan Citadel

The most rocky place of the Carpathian peaks is the mountain range Gorgany. True citadel, true protection of the mountain range with stone slopes. During World War I, the Legions of the Polish Army stretched here, which left behind the history of the heroic defense of the local vicinities. You will feel the spirit of the warrior, forget about civilization, and you will enjoy the full freedom of the mountains.

What adds a ginger flavour to the tour is:

  • Legions Pass with its dramatic and heroic history and remnants of defensive line of I world war;
  • stone fields and alpine pine thickets on the mountain ranges Tavpishyrka and Syvulya;
  • Syvulya Mountain (1836 m), the highest peak of Gorgany massif;
  • sources of the river Bystrytsya Nadvirnyanska located on the mountain valley of Ruschyna;
  • herds of horses resembling wild mustangs that graze on the Carpathian mountain valleys.
The most rocky place of the Carpathian peaks is the mountain range Gorgany. True citadel, true protection of the mountain range with stone slopes. During World War I, the Legions of the Polish Army stretched here, which left behind the history of the heroic defense of the local vicinities. You will feel the spirit of the warrior, forget about civilization, and you will enjoy the full freedom of the mountains.
What adds a ginger flavour to the tour is:
Legions Pass with its dramatic and heroic history and remnants of defensive line of I world war;
stone fields and alpine pine thickets on the mountain ranges Tavpishyrka and Syvulya;
Syvulya Mountain (1836 m), the highest peak of Gorgany massif;
sources of the river Bystrytsya Nadvirnyanska located on the mountain valley of Ruschyna;
herds of horses resembling wild mustangs that graze on the Carpathian mountain valleys.
duration: 4 days
price: 93 usd

Treking in the Carpathians: the Gadzhyna tract + rafting on Cheremosh river

Treking to the Chornohora mountains through the Gadzhyna tract and Kedruvaty Pogorilets - is one of the unknown routs in Chornohora. You will climb by an old, overgrown trail, where you can meet just local hunters and mushroom pickers. In the deep Chornohoras' forest you can see lawns, where roe deers are grazing, to walk in the footsteps of a boar or a wolf. On the Gadzhuna meadow you can gather a lot of blueberries, drink fresh milk and taste cheese. Swimming in the highest mountain lake of Ukraine - Brebeneskul - will charge your forces for the next day. If desired, you can walk to an old highland observatory on the Pip Ivan mount. Descend by gentle serpentine through the carpathian stonehenge - Vuhaty Kamin' (Eared Stone)

duration: 4 days
price: 133 usd

Stone giant

You are pressed for time, but thirst for adventures and new experience is overwhelming as usual?
Then this route is especially for you:

  • mineral springs in Kvasy amazing by its taste and natural gases content;
  • Zakarpattya beech forests charm every traveller;
  • steep and picturesque slopes of Sheshul, Pavlyk and Rogneska;
  • mighty and proud Petros (2020 m), a stone giant that locks the Chornohora range from the west;
  • magic Chornohora mountain meadows where an ancient craft of shepherds is still alive.

So go ahead! Fresh impressions are waiting for you! Visit Stone giant!

duration: 3 days
price: 60 usd

Borzhava's Transcarpathia

Immerse yourself in the romance of a "wild hike" and spend a few days on the Borzhava valley of the picturesque Carpathian region. In a few days we will pass almost the entire Borshavsky ridge and one by one we will conquer its summits like Temnatyk Mountain,Velukyy Verkh Mountain, Mahura-Dzhyda Mountain and the highest point of the mountain range of Styi Mountain. And in addition we will descend to the Shipit waterfall which grinds a stone at the foot of Borzhavy.

The tops of the local mountains are covered with a soft carpet of grass and blueberry bushes. So, prepare yourself to get not only a charge of energy from the mountains, but also a large portion of vitamins from delicious and healing blueberries.

duration: 5 days
price: 112 usd

Cheops Pyramid

Two days, one night and a full bag of impressions behind. Just during the weekend you can plunge into the world of wildlife. You will climb Mount Homyak (means "hamster"), which resembles Cheops Pyramid by its form. Picturesque scenery of all the Carpathians, stone placers on the slopes of the mountains called "gorgany", tinkling Zhenets Waterfall, overnight in a tent and evening bonfire in a mountain valley of Mount Homyak will remain unforgettable experience regardless of such a short period of time.

duration: 2 days
price: 54 usd

Stone town

Only two days and you will be fully immersed by a wild world. Carpathian peaks, remnants of rocky settlements with fortifications, caves, and rock paintings, tinkling waterfalls and scenic streams, mystical Dead Lake and Witch Rock, overnight in a tent and evening bonfire will remain unforgettable impressions regardless of such a short period of time.

duration: 2 days
price: 50 usd

Winter tours in the Carpathians

New year tours, Winter trekking, Ski touring in the Carpathians

Winter climbing on Pip Ivan

On the first day for training we will climb the simple mountain Kostrytsya (Hedya). We will climb Mount Pip Ivan from the very morning of the second day. Along the way we will see Smotrych, Vuhaty Kamin and the tallest building in Ukraine (2028m) - the former Polish Observatory. At the end of the tour we will visit the Roman Kumlyk Museum in Verkhovyna and the magical place of stones Ternoshorska Lada.

duration: 3 days
price: 108 usd

Summer tours from the hotel

Comfort series includes radial ascents with living in the estate of green tourism. While climbing it is not necessary to carry a heavy backpack. After walking you will have a possibility to take a shower, have a delicious supper and sleep on a cosy bed.
Tour programs of this series open all year round and do not require high physical endurance.

Pip Ivan on the weekend

This is a day off! Given a stay of only two days, the program is maximally colorful.

We will have time to conquer the summit of Pip Ivan Chornohirsky and to see the Polish White Elephant Observatory. Feel the adrenaline rush of the Black River Chernomosh mountain, and finally take a stroll through the unique rock complex Ternoshore Lada. The cliffs are several million years old, so you will definitely feel the taste of the ancient era and the energy of this place.

This is a day off! The program is maximally colorful as for two days.
We will have time to conquer the Pip Ivan Chornohirsky Mount, see the Polish White Elephant Observatory, feel the adrenaline rush of the Black Cheremosh river, and finally to walk through the unique rock complex Ternoshore Lada. The cliffs are several million years old, so you will definitely feel the taste of the ancient era and the energy of this place.


duration: 2 days
price: 69 usd

Abroad tours

Тури за кордон – це можливість організувати для себе яскравий та насичений відпочинок за межами України. Любителі екстремальних сплавів можуть обрати Рафтинг в Карелії, для любителів гір – піший похід в Туреччині, або ж можливо поєднати все разом, вибравши комбінований тур в Грузії, прикрасивши його сходженням на могутній Казбек.

Тури за кордон – це також і можливість ознайомлення із зарубіжною історією, легендами та традиціями.

Tour to Georgia: trekking, rafting + Kazbek

Travel to Georgia, combining the most interesting kinds of recreational activities, which are possible in this beautiful country. You will participate in the following activities as training trekking to Chaukhi, climbing of Kazbek (5033 m), rafting on the river Rioni. You will be able to visit the Prometheus cave, overview the fortress in Gori, cave city Uplistsikhe, guard tower in Sno, alpine temple of Tsminda Sameba. The amazing canyon Okatse with waterfalls up to 80 meters height and bathing in the Tiflis hydrogen sulfide baths are not less impressive. And of course the real Georgian cuisine, which is represented by following dishes: khachapuri, khinkali, lobiani and many other exotic names...

The applicant must have good physical form and experience of winter and summer hiking, rafting on Black Cheremosh.

All the participants are recommended to take an Alpinistic Seminar in the Carpathians

Shorter version of the tour without rafting, 11 days All tours to Georgia
Easier version of the tour without climbing to Kazbek FAQ



Cost of the tour - $500

duration: 15 days
price: 13850 usd

Tour to Georgia: Kazbek + trekking

Tour to Georgia which combines trekking by plain mountains by easy routs and climbing to covered by glacier giant - Kazbek (5033 m), which attracts alpinists of different level as well as beginners. Mountains are various, some places are very popular between tourists, but on other trails you can't meet a single soul. The tour is supplimented by the excurtion to Mtsheti - an ancient capital, fortress Anauri, watchtowers and the church Tsminda Sameba of XIV century. Picturesque mountain massifs, original georgian cousine and interesting places - all this just for 10 days.  
Number of participants - 5-6 people.
We have already made more than ten successful climbs to Kazbek. If you have additional questions - you can directly ask our instructor - Alexander.

To participate good physical shape and experience are demanded:
1) experience of trekking in the Carpathians (for several days, with backpacks and tents)
2) preferably, experience of winter climbing to Goverla, Pertos, etc. 

All the participants are recommended to take part in Alpinistic Seminar in the Carpathians

All tours to Georgia FAQ

Cost of the tour - 420 $ 

duration: 10 days
price: 11700 usd

Tour to Georgia: trekking + rafting

The tracking in Georgia, rafting on the Rioni – that all you can do during these 13 days.

The tracking takes place at the not high, but picturesque mountain mass.  The passages’ height reaches 3 500 meters. Every day the passing from the one valley to another is realized, the vertical drop can reach 1 000 meters. A grassy nappe is in the valleys, and slide rocks are on the passages and its accessways. In the long view there are steep rocky mountains, covered by snow or by ice from summits.

Rafting on the Rioni has III difficulty category, it requires the experience from rafting on the Black Cheremosh. It can be compared with a Prut under high water.

Between tracking and rafting we will visit Tbilisi, Hori, spelaean city Uplistsikhe, will review the several old mountain fortress and drop in the Prometheus cave. 

Complicated version of the tour  including climbing Kazbek All tours to Georgia



Cost of the tour - $450

duration: 13 days
price: 12465 usd

Trekking to Mont Blanc and Gran Paradiso

The journey to Europe involves the ascent to two the highest peaks of the Alps: acclimatizational climbing to quite simple but charming mountain in Italy - Grand Paradiso (4061 m), and the main climbing to Mont Blanc (4810 m) in France and Italy. We will moving for 12 days by minibus from Ternopil. It is possible to reduce the tour to 8 days if you arrive in Milan and return by plane from Geneva. Climb to Mont Blanc starts from the glacier Tet Rus, it means that in one day we will go up and get down 1650m. It's about 15 hours of active work, so good physicl form is required for climbing.

Tour price - 500 euros

duration: 12 days
price: 17000 usd

Trekking to Moldovyanu in Romania

Trekking to Moldovyanu (2544m) along Romanian Carpathians - the highest peak of the mountain massif Fagaras. Rocky peaks do not require special equipment and skills. You need to have minimum experience of summer hiking. After trekking - descent through extreme mountainous highway Transfaharash. Then we go to Sinai to the Peles Castle, and in the end of the trip will be some more interesting Romanian towns - Brasov, Sighisoara and Turda.

Tour price: 210 euro

duration: 8 days
price: 7082 usd

Trekking to Laila in Georgia (Svaneti)

Climbing to Laila in Svanetia - is a good point to continue ones "career" as a mountain tourist, after trekking by the Kavkaz or winter trips in the Carpathians. The mountain is unbelievably picturesque, from its top you can see the Main Kavkaz Chain and even Elbrus. To get to the top, we'll move on the Chizhdi Pass ( 3097 m, 1a) and by the glacier to the Dzhvari Pass (3427 m, 1b). The difficulty level of the mountain is 2a, the experience is desirable.   
Cost of tour to the Laila mountain 175 EUR. Minimum group is of 4 perosns.

All tours to Georgia
Physical training and tour difficulty.

duration: 6 days
price: 5075 usd

Bike tour to Turkey

While in Ukrane it's still cold, in Antalya you can ride a bicycle at full swing. Bike tour in Antalya takes places 2000 km to the south! The oranges are ripened and the sea is getting warm. Antalya is a mountain land along the sea, so it has exciting views, stunning descends, exhausting ascends, antique cities and deep canyons, pure rivers and unbelievable blue Mediterranean sea. You'll see Lycian tombs, more than 3 000 years old, amphitheaters, where people entertain before Christ. Travelling in Turkey by bike, you'll see its inner "not touristic" world, that is much more colorful than its sleek hotels and beaches. We sleep in tents, get to Turkey by bus or by airplane (maintenance of bus with all the baggage).

Turn on the summer 2 months earlier!

Start of the tour near the airport in Antalya.

Tour price - 200 EURO

duration: 10 days
price: 5800 usd

Trekking by Lician Way (Turkey, Antalia) basic version

The campaign takes place in Antalya, southern Turkey, in picturesque mountains which tops open a marvelous look on the Mediterranean Sea. For 7 days we will go to mountains, swim in the sea for several times and even a look at many interesting facts of this rich ancient land. This route is called Lycian way because you may see many traces of ancient Lycian culture, including sarcophags, tombs, amphitheatres and entire city carved in the rocks.

The basic version of the campaign does not require special training and a lot of endurance. But even makes it possible to travel in winter, when the snow falls in high mountains.

Advantages of the route:
- nature - mountains high above the bright blue sea, covered with pine trees, cliffs and canyons, sea beaches and coves;
- unusuals - the eternal flames of Mount Yanartash, these lights burn continuously within a rock;
- historical sights - trace of Lycian culture: tombs carved in the rock and ruins of ancient settlements;
- oranges :) in February and March numerous citrus orchards ripen in Antalya;
- the sea - almost every day we will go down to the sea, luxuriate under the sun rays and refresh our strenghts in the sea.

Trekking in Turkey are held in the autumn-winter-spring period (September to May). The basic program is relevant in December, January, February and March. In September, October, November, April, May the complicated program is actual.
All tours to Tukey

Trekking by Lician Way + photos

                                                                                               Cost of the tour - 230 euro

duration: 9 days
price: 7820 usd

Trekking by Lician Way + climbing Tahtali


This campaign is more complexities version Lycian campaign trail. It kept all the charm basic version - sea beaches, coves, mountain trails along the coast. But added two technically complex items: climbing the highest peak of the region - Tahtali (2365 m) and crossing the canyon Goynuk.
Climb to the top Tahtali in comfortable conditions (without snow) is possible in September, October, 'April and May. From November to March 1500 meters above the snow falls, and passage requires additional warm clothing and sleeping bags, shoes and possibly individual cats. Also in the winter due to significant snow cover greatly increases the level of rivers and streams, so go Goynuk Canyon is impossible.
Late spring and early autumn this campaign is just what you need for those who want to test their endurance. Rather long, very challenging obstacles - it will be a real adventure for strong spirit. In return you will get an unforgettable experience of the sea and the sun, from vast landscapes from the highest peaks, feel super flexible after passing the intricacies of the canyon. Add to this local flavor and get a wonderful cocktail for fall and spring seasons.
Trekking in Turkey are held in the autumn-winter-spring period (September to May). The basic program is relevant in December, January, February and March. In September, October, November, April, May - the actual program is complicated.

This tour is more complcated version of Lycian Way campaign. It keeps all the charm of basic version - sea beaches, coves, mountain trails along the coast. But also adds two technically complex items: climbing the highest peak of the region - Tahtali (2365 m) and crossing the canyon Goynuk.
Climb to the top Tahtali in comfortable conditions (without snow) is possible in September, October, April and May. From November to March the snow falls on the height of 1500 meters and above, though additional warm clothing and sleeping bags, shoes and individual cats are required. Also in the winter due to significant snow cover greatly increases the level of rivers and streams, so it's impossiple to cross Goynuk Canyon.


In late spring and early autumn this campaign is just what you need for those who want to test their endurance. Rather long, very challenging obstacles - it will be a real adventure for a strong spirit. In return you will get an unforgettable experience of the sea and the sun, vast landscapes from the highest peaks, feel super flexible after passing the intricacies of the canyon. Add to this local flavor and get a wonderful cocktail for fall and spring seasons.

Trekking in Turkey are held in the autumn-winter-spring period (September to May). The basic program is relevant in December, January, February and March. In September, October, November, April, May the complicated program is actual.
All tours to Turkey

Cost of the tour - 200 euro

duration: 11 day
price: 5800 usd

Trekking on mountain chain Rila in Bulgaria

Якщо Карпатьскі пейзажі вже не так вражають, пора змінити дислокацію відпочинку, наприклад, у сусідню гірську Болгарію. Ні, не на море, а на масив Ріла, де знаходиться найвища точка Балканського півострова - вершина Мусала (2925 м). Це цілий світ, що сховався за хмарами - вражаючі скелясті гори, густо помережені річками, озерами та водоспадами. Тут збереглась неторкана природа, яка дарує туристам зустрічі із дикими кіньми та козами.

Для цього туру потрібен досвід гірських походів на 3-4 дні та хороша фізична форма. По складності нагадує Карпатський марафон та Триденний Горган. Загальний набір висоти складає 5520 м, скидання висоти - 4980 м.

Досвідчених туристів, які не бояться висоти, запрошуємо також у більш екстремальний піший похід масивом Пірін (Болгарія)

Вартість туру - 140 євро

duration: 7 days
price: 4060 usd

Trekking on mountain chain Pirin (Bulgaria)

Поїздка в Болгарію асоціюється з пляжем і засмаганням? Дарма! Для ока, звиклого до Карпат, гірський масив Пірін - це скелясто-озерна магія. Високі мармурові вершини, хмари під ногами, незвично багато глибоких і чистих озер, гірські водоспади, великі брили курумника та дикі кози, яким позаздрять навіть альпіністи. Вас чекає недитячий іспит на мужність - це екстремальні підйоми з перилами на гори Віхрен (2914 м) та Кутело (2908 м). 
Увага! Ця пригода протипоказана людям, які бояться висоти.

Похід вимагає хорошої фізичної підготовки і досвіду гірських походів. Адже загальний набір висоти складе 4600 м, загальне скидання - 4000м.

Менш екстремальний і однаково мальовничий піший похід масивом Ріла (Болгарія)

Вартість туру - 113 євро

duration: 4 days
price: 3277 usd

Bike tours

There you can see ancient fortresses and castles, churches and monasteries, grottoes of hermit monks, pagan temples, large waterfalls; touch the lives of ternopilian village, overcome steep rises and feel the thrill of fast descents. During the trip you can drink enough various mineral waters from famous sources, see ancient kliff fortresses in Bubnyshche and Urych, observe the work of oil rigs in Shidnytsya and Boryslav.   

Dnister country on bike

The route lies near the Dniester (so, you'll always have an opportunity to swim) along the valeys of it's picturesque tributaries Seret, Dzhuryn and Tupa. There you can see ancient fortresses and castels, churches and monasteries, ancient grottos of hermit monks, the pagan temples, big waterfalls; to touch the life of ternopilian village, to overcome steep slopes and feel the thrill of descents.

To have a light backpack during the tour we'll stop for the night in a rural hut, eat at the cafe or just have a sandwich and tents with dishes we'll leave at home.  For groups of 10 persons tours are held at any convenient time.  

Physical training and tour difficulty

duration: 3 days
price: 1900 usd

Biketour Tustan'

A trip on low, but interesting part of Carpathians - Skole Cliffs. During the tour will be an opportunity to drink plenty of various mineral waters from amous sources, to see ancient cliff fortresses in Bubnyshche and Urych, to observr the work of oil rigs in Shidnytsia and Boryslav.

Physical training and tour difficulty

duration: 2 days
price: 1580 usd