Schedule: Mon-Fri 9 am-6 pm

Weekend tours

If you have finished school already, then frequent vacations including free summertime like a bonus are left in the past. Probably, now the correlation between vacations and working days causes sighs looking at the calendar and gain patience for a monthes. Maybe, all your ideas for recreation must fit into few weeks once a year, maybe more. But no need to wait so long. To have some rest, to gain new strength, to get a lot of positive impressions and to earn light envy in the eyes of your colleagues - not much time is necessary.

Use at least weekend. For just two days you can a lot to see, to do, to live through. For someone, TVset is the best friend for recreation - than look around, it's usually not far from computer. For others, it's not enough, and than view our list of tours for weekend. 

And a TV will patiently wait for you at home till Monday . 

P.S. About the colleagues - don't need their envy, call them to join the tours too.