A supply manager (zavgosp) is responsible for meals. He monitors the costs of products, manages the process of preparation and is most involved in the process. Participants help him as far as possible and desirable.
Since the products and all the equipment is transported on catamarans, there is no need to set strict allowance on provision weight. So we can allow the use of such products, which are real luxury for trekking. For example, tomatoes, cabbage, canned corn and peas.
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The diet consists of taking into account the features of the program. Thus, our menu contains porridge in the morning, and in the evening, when there is more time and unlimited access to firewood and water – it contains soup. We pay special attention to the fact, that for lunch we also eat well cooked food, not sandwiches.
Estimated menu is prepared for 7 days rafting. If you plan to join for a smaller number of days, then the following schemes will be used in your trip:
2 days rafting: 1st and the last day of the menu
3 days rafting: 1st, 2nd and the last day of the menu, etc.
sandwiches with sausage and cheese, eggs
fresh vegetables
tea with cookies
rice with meat and vegetables
fresh vegetables
tea with cookies
green borshch – vegetable sorrel soup with eggs and sour cream
bread, sausage, bacon, garlic
compote and cookies
noodlesoup with canned fish and cheese
salad with cabbage and canned corn
coffee drink with cookies
wheat porridge with meat
fresh vegetables
tea with cookies
potatoes with sausages
bread, garlic
green tea and cookies
mamalyga - corn porridge with cheese and bacon
hibiskus tea and cookies
buckwheat with canned fish
fresh vegetables
tea with cookies
kossak's kulish - thick millet soup with potato and meat
bread, sausage, bacon, bow
tea with lemon and cookies
vegetable ragout with zucchini, potatoes, beans and meat
fresh vegetables
tea with nuts-and-honey bars
rise with canned meat and vegetables
fresh vegetables
tea with cookies
red borshch – vegetable beet soup with sour cream
bread, sausage, bacon, garlic
tea with cookies
milky rise with dried fruit
coffee drink with cookies
wheat porridge with meat
fresh vegetables
tea with cookies
cabbage soup with fresh cabbage and peas
bread, sausage, bacon, bow
compote with cookies
gulyash (vegetable ragout with pepper, potatoes, beans and meat)
salad with cucumbers and cabbage
tea with candies
rise with vegetables and canned meat
fresh vegetables
tea with cookies
fish soup
bread, sausage, bacon, garlic
green tea and cookies
oatmeal with dried fruit
bread and cheese
cofee drink with cookies
buckwheat with canned fish
fresh vegetables
tea with cookies
Drinking alcohol is allowed only in the evenings, in case if participant will be in a good shape in the morning.
Participant in the state of alcohol intoxication can be left in the nearest suitable for departure place.
Departure expenses (for example, transfer to the nearest regional center) for participant are not compensated.
Tour cost won't be returned.